5 things you did not know about green tea
5 things you did not know about green tea
Nothing can soothe our body, mind and soul as well as a hot cup of green tea. For quite a long time, green tea consumption was associated with Asians until recently when its production and consumption turned into a global phenomenon. Green tea consumption has great health benefits as well. It is believed that sipping on green tea cleanses, heals and rejuvenates our body from within. Green tea is made from the leaves of a plant called Camellia Sinensis. This is the same plant from which black and oolong tea are made. Unlike these two which are fermented, green tea is processed by being dried and steamed at a high temperature. Aside from the fact that it’s been time-proven to have significant health benefits for humans, modern research has further ascertained this
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids that not only boost immunity but also protect us against cough and flu. Studies have found an association between consuming green tea and a reduced risk for several cancers, including, skin, breast, lung, colon, oesophageal, and bladder. Additional benefits for regular consumers of green and black teas include a reduced risk for heart disease. The antioxidants in green, black, and oolong teas can help block the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, increase HDL (good) cholesterol and improve artery function.
Green tea is not naturally bitter.
If your daily cup of green tea tastes bitter, it’s likely that it hasn’t been brewed correctly. Maybe the water was too hot – green tea tastes best when it’s brewed with cooler water. In China and Japan, green tea is traditionally made with boiling water, but the tea is only steeped for anywhere between 15-60 seconds. For best results, we recommend using a lower temperature for a sweeter, non-bitter tea.
Contains bioactive compounds-
Green tea is more than just a hydrating beverage. The green tea plant contains a range of healthy compounds that make it into the final drink
Tea is rich in polyphenols, which are natural compounds that have health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and helping to fight cancer.
Green tea contains a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Catechins are natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and provide other benefits. These substances can reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, protecting cells and molecules from damage. These free radicals play a role in aging and many types of diseases’ is one of the most powerful compounds in green tea. Research has tested its ability to help treat various diseases. It appears to be one of the main compounds that gives green tea its medicinal properties.
Green tea protects brain from aging-
Not only can green tea improve brain function in the short term, it may also protect your brain as you age. Alzheimer’s is a common neurodegenerative disease and the most common cause of dementia in older adults .Parkinson’s disease is another common neurodegenerative disease and involves the death of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain.
Several studies show that the catechin compounds in green tea can have various protective effects on neurons in test tubes and animal models, possibly lowering the risk of dementia.
Green tea prevents bad breath-
The catechins in green tea also have benefits for oral health. Test-tube studies suggest that catechins can suppress the growth of bacteria, potentially lowering the risk of infections
Streptococcus mutans is a common bacterium in the mouth. It causes plaque formation and is a leading contributor to cavities and tooth decay.Studies indicate that the catechins in green tea can inhibit the growth of oral bacteria in the lab, but no evidence shows that drinking green tea has similar effects .
However, there’s some evidence that green tea may reduce bad breath.
Green tea isn’t always green in colour.
While it’s true that some green teas, like the Japanese sencha, can appear bright green after they’re brewed, most green teas are meant to look pale yellow when brewed correctly. So don’t worry if you’re green tea isn’t exactly green – it isn’t meant to be!
According to an ancient Chinese proverb, it's "better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one"–and current health research backs up that claim. Green tea and green tea extracts are rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)–a powerful antioxidant that not only inhibits the growth of cancer cells but also kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. Green tea may also increase mental alertness, aid in weight loss, reduce LDL cholesterol, and protect the skin from sun damage. With all of these potential health benefits, why not give it a try?.